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Product Selection Questionaire

Does your handling damage challenge resemble any of the applications listed on our site? We would encourage you to have a look at our applications section to inform yourself on the various jobs we’ve completed and whether your project has similarities to any of those. If not, just fill in the blank with N/A.

Identifying Mutilation Strike Action

We have identified 4 of the most common mutilation strike types that cause the most damage to affected areas. Make note of definitions and visual aid to help you best identify which mutilation strike type is most relevant for your situation. Note that your application may consist of a combination of mutilation strike types so try to answer as accurately as possible.


Quick movement of part across surface.


Pushing movement of part along surface for longer duration.


Direct placement of part onto surface (often intentional)

Direct Impact:

Direct heavy strike onto surface (often accidental)
Direct Impact

Type of Contact

Mechanism of contact is dictated by the logistics, location and overall environment of a selected part and refers the to the intention, or lack thereof, of the contact, as well as frequency of contact between parts. Note that your application may consist of a combination of mechanisms of contact, so try to answer as accurately as possible.


Whether by hand or machine, any type of contact done with intent.


Contact that does not happen routinely but can still be expected to take place. Can be intentional for unintentional.

Continuous Contact:

Contact that is planned to occur routinely.

Accidental Human Contact:

Contact that is not expected. Often used for safety and injury prevention.

Identifying Material and Surface Type

In order to identify which one of our products are going to best suit your application needs, its helpful for us to identify what the material of your part is, what the finish type there is, and what surface class type there is.

Include a summary of the type of part mutilation your experiencing and what type of issue you have.